Light Lessons with Patsie McCandless:Energy: How to Rediscover, Reawaken and Realign Your Energy

~ Energy ~

How to Rediscover, Reawaken and Realign Your Energy

You can get out of any static, black hole by remembering how to rediscover, reawaken and realign the Energy streaming through the Universe… because that includes you.

Recently I saw a T shirt with an intriguing little message for us all: You Matter. You Energy.

Isn’t that the truth? Let’s reawaken, revive and realign your energy.

The whole universe is Energy. Energy is always moving, streaming, creating. BUT, if you try to stop energy, that is, by isolating it, bottling it up, quarantining it, you stop it from moving and creating. It is static. Then the energy implodes. Energy that is traptured implodes, like a black hole.

Too many people have been feeling this inner implosion, defined by fear, anxiety, depression – and passing it on to the children. The statistics are alarming – and truly devastating when it deepens into suicide, drug use and drug overdosing.

Since you are energy, ask yourself: are you moving? Creating? Or are you stuck? Static? Imploding? Are you the black hole?

Or are you the new planet? Or the brilliant star? Are you moving? Creating?

Rediscover Your Energy

Earthlings always want to know – and need reminders: Tell me again – How do I get hold of my Energy?

First, rediscover your Energy. Remember, your thoughts and words are the first link to accessing your Energy. Prayer and meditation and mantras are perfect examples of this energy. They are a powerful focal point for you. When you set your focus in this kind of mindful, soulful energy there is actually a positive, physical change inside your brain, because the electric energy waves change.

Reawaken Your Silent Energy

Reawaken your Energy in daily practice. As I have noted in previous blogs, the kind of still silence that derives from prayer and meditation is a true focus, which allows the mind to quiet and the whole body to BE – in the moment. It is the rich reward you receive at entering that state of being.

The first thing you may notice when you begin to practice prayer and meditation and mantras is that your toxic build-up of negative energy dissolves. It is a subdued sensation, like a quiet revelation. You are suddenly aware that you are breathing, and you are not feeling that old, heavy sense of anxiety.

You own the feeling of true inner peace and joy.

Realign Your Energy

Realign your Energy by empowering your Energy when you let your energy move, and stream, and create; when you learn how to SEE.

Again, in my Light Lesson on how to tap into your abundance, I noted that empowering your energy is very much like learning to draw, a la Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Your focused vision – SEEing – calmly and clearly – gets your brain to drop its controlling side (Left Brain), and access the imagining, envisioning, creating side (Right Brain).

It is just like prayer and meditation and mantras. You are very still. Silent. Slow. Using lots of repetition… and lots of practice.

The power of your energy is you: practicing, believing and trusting in the Divine Universe. Your dream – your vision – is your prayer, your meditation, your mantra.

Empower and Activate Your Energy

Finally, empower and activate your Energy. I saw some posters in a school hallway that are reminders of how easy it can be to change negative energy into positive energy. The first said simply: Think like a proton. Be positive!

The second was a chart:

HATE has 4 letters, but so does LOVE

ENEMIES has 7 letters, but so does FRIENDS

LYING has 5 letters, but so does TRUTH

HURT has 4 letters, but so does HEAL


Opposite poles. All Energy. Waiting for you. It’s yours to practice because your energy is not static… it is streaming. Moving. Creating. As energy loves to do.

Practice Moving Your Energy

When you learn to practice this and keep your energy moving, you will SEE the world – your world – differently. You can get out of any static, black hole by Rediscovering, Reawakening and Realigning Your Energy.

And that shift is utter empowerment. For you.

You Matter. You Energy… with your

Light On!