Explaining Metaphysical Light: Light Lessons Blog with Patsie McCandless

Explaining Metaphysical Light

Explaining Metaphysical Light begins with a non-physical thought or idea, which is then manifested into a physical creation in our tangible world. Basically, we can’t explain metaphysical Light, yet it is the seed of non-physical thought that becomes our physical creations.

Last week’s blog journeyed through the Metaphysical philosophy about all the things that happen to us that we cannot explain. I refer to this as the ‘Light’ which you truly are – the soul you are in this world. It’s your magic.

Explaining that Light Is

Light is the metaphysical in the physical world. There are many examples of this in my book, The Secrets of Windy Hill (the sequel to Becoming Jesse. There are important Light experiences for young Jesse, such as this:

“In that moment, swirling around the Star Cupola, new Lights appeared. Hundreds of glittering Lights, pulsing like beating hearts. Jesse heard Dearie in his heart:

‘The Lights, Jesse! Here we are! All Lights.
Each of us, an enchanted jewel, a gem, glittering our facets.
Gorgeous, magnificent Lights! All connected.
We are all love-adores! Shining in endless love and joy. And on earth—none, nothing more glittering than you!’”

Jesse could see and feel his glittering Light.

Metaphysical Light is the Stuff of Stars

 This LIGHT is the heart of all we experience, all we conceive, all that we are. We are the stuff of stars. Our Light – our intentions – create the REAL world that we experience here on earth plane.

If that sounds like a lot of gobble-dee-gook, it is because it is quite onerous to explain it with our human, physical words.

Light in Words

Nevertheless, people do want to know about these inexplicable happenings, these Light events; and human beings are seeking answers and validation for their own metaphysical episodes. As challenging as it is to effectively describe this Light, it is possible to bring another human into the realm of the metaphysical.

There are Light words that come very close to describing the brilliant glory of this Light experience. Exquisite writers and poets can come so very close to describing the NOW moment in their magnificent words.

Light in Ethereal Thought

Time and again, we find writers who can Light-up with the Light of an ethereal thought. They begin with a thought, an idea, which is silent, non-language. Next, they take their ethereal non-physical, silent, non-language ‘idea’ and manifest it, in the physically written word.

Obviously, what happens is that the idea becomes a story – a book.

And, intriguingly, it comes full circle, as it becomes the ethereal again, in the indelible memory-fizzes for the reader. (Think of your favorite stories or poems that still live inside you!)

So, the writer can share the non-physical idea in our physical world. That gives the rest of us an interpretation – a vision – of the writer’s mental picture. In that spirit, (pun intended) I’d like to share some of the metaphysical Light thoughts from the imaginator word-smiths, who take their idea from the metaphysical world into our physical world through their beguiling writings.

Explaining Metaphysical Light through Writing:

“I never exactly made a book. Rather it was like taking dictation. It seems I was given things to say.” – C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

“You know that place between sleep and awake, when you can still remember dreaming. That is where I wait…” – Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of green Gables

“The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began… and I must follow, if I can” – J.R.R. Tolkein, The Hobbit

“There are ways of looking again at life’s mysteries through the eyes we used to have as children.” – Susan Cooper, Dark Rising  

“I imagined it and wrote it.” – Ken Follet

“Heaven… a place where everything that is not music is silence.” – George MacDonald, The Back of the Northwind

“Perhaps there’s a language which is not made of words, and everything in the world understands it.” Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess

“I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter and that this was the secret of the Universe.” – Donna Tart, The Goldfinch

“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Metaphysical Light in every Writer

These are just a handful of the writers of Light. They are writing beyond the scope of science and physics because they intrinsically know the Light which they are – the Light with which they were born. They can find the way back into that magical, metaphysical Light.

In this physical world, we resonate with how they explain our Metaphysical Light. We call them authors, writers, poets, and storytellers. In truth, they are the special human beings – like children – who remember… who know… the way back into their everyday magic with their…

Light On!

Books by Patsie McCandless

Becoming Jesse

The Secrets of Windy Hill