Light Lessons with Patsie McCandless:How Do My Dreams Manifest into My Reality?

How Do My Dreams Manifest Into My Reality?

Dreams really do manifest in reality. Your dream vision emerges from the non-physical, Divine world, then manifests in the reality of your own physical world.

A vital puzzle-part of manifesting your dreams is that your vision is crystal-clear. Your clear, Divine vision is the “real world” you create. When you practice seeing your vision, for example, by repeating your thoughts and words, then your vision becomes more passionate, more beautiful, more real each time you visit,

In Scott Stillman’s affecting metaphysical book, Nature’s Silent Message, he writes of the existence of something far greater than what we see on the surface. It’s about breaking through old patterns, so that clear new ones may emerge.

Your Dream – Your Reality

Your clear, powerful, non-physical vision can actually penetrate through the world of physical Matter. This is when you SEE clearly the world of the Divine. It is seeing with your soul – and what you are seeing is your genuine reality. The Divine holds things as they truly are, for they reside in the Divine mind, perfect and complete.

Your dream’s success lies in holding the vision, especially how it looks when your vision’s journey is complete, like the end of your story. So, when you envision your dream, completely manifested in your physical world, you are giving it the power to become – to BE – in your physical world.

Perfect Clarity – Perfect Manifestation

It doesn’t matter which of the spokes you activate in your Circle of Life: your Well-being, Love, Abundance or Creativity… or all of them! And the spokes include all your relationships.

SEE your Circle of Life as perfect. These are your ideas and visions that are also recorded in the Divine mind… which is perfect. And remember always, it is reciprocal: the Divine mind lives in your highest mind – within your brain, your being. The Divine lives in you. Thus, you always have access to the Divine.

Be tranquil and serene – unruffled and unflappable. Calm and still and confident in Divine power. You will feel it spread through you. Think clearly. Make clear – right – Divine – choices and decisions. And you will never miss a step! Like a magical Chess game, your moves are always in the right direction.

A Vision Dream Story

At one time early in our retirement, my husband and I were renting a small place on the east coast of Florida. We took a trip to the west coast of Florida to visit friends and discovered a charming village there. After spending days enjoying everything, we thought, This is a place we would like to live. I especially wanted to live right on the water… in God’s marina! My imagination was on fire with all the details and my mind-picture was clear!

On our way out of town, we passed a condo-complex right on the water, and I encouraged my husband to drive in to SEE what we could SEE!

He was skeptical – yet he drove in anyway. Everything was locked up tight – yet we found one open door. A maintenance person we met said we were trespassing and had to leave – yet in our conversation, that gradually became more and more pleasant, he ended up giving us a lead to a condo unit that was for sale.

We had to travel back and forth across Florida to make it all happen – yet we found every door open to us! We saw the unit, tracked down the realtor, found a Florida branch of our hometown bank, filled in all the paperwork, located a Notary, and signed the deed! Each time, our timing was perfect, and we did it all in less than a week!

Clarity Manifests Your Dreams

The ‘real’ world opened up to our clear vision and our Divine spiritual connection!

So, get your dream into your clear, powerful, non-physical vision inside you. And begin with the Divine. Of course, with your…

Light On!