Patsie McCandless Light Lessons Blog: Light Dissolves Fear

Our Light Magically Dissolves Fear

Our everyday magic Light can dissolve the shadows of all darkness and fear – alarm, panic and anxiety – like a mystical, magical miracle.

Remember the real Magic story I posted a few weeks back… of the 5 year-old girl filled with real Magic? The mother was as enraptured with the Magic as her daughter, wasn’t she!


Well, I didn’t include the ending of her story, because, unexpectedly, in the rapturous moment of manifesting her magic, the little girl’s mom was suddenly struck with FEAR – the certain fear of knowing that this magic would not last.

At some time in a mother or father’s life, we may experience this inexplicable fright for our children. I recall an episode when our beautiful, magical baby boy had collapsed… unconscious. I struggled to breathe, with my heart thrashing and thumping – as the ambulance whisked him away, and we followed to the hospital. It felt unbearable. The time ticked by in dark minutes… waiting… wondering… praying…. I understand such darkness.

The mother of the five-year-old, magical butterfly girl was agonizing over the future loss of Magic for her daughter.


“All I could feel was fear. It surprised me, coming completely unbidden; a knot in my gut. A fear that the world wasn’t in fact filled with kind, talking animals, and that pixie dust couldn’t fix anything.  Rather it was populated with people who would steal her lunch out of her school bag, or hurt her just because she was smaller than them. People who would tease her, lie to her, force her, unfriend her. That some boy, some day, would break her heart, that she would (as a woman) spend a large portion of her life comparing herself to others, thinking she wasn’t good enough.  

“I’m doing everything I can to keep the magic alive – she’s only 5 after all – because one day the fairies will pack up their things, climb on the backs of unicorns and fly away over the rainbow.  And they’ll never come back for her.”

Mystical Magical Miracles                                                                                             

The mother’s fear is heartbreaking! If her fears were true….                                                                                                                                                                               But of course, her story does not have to be true. We can keep our magic alive everyday… for our children and ourselves.                                                                                                                                                                                                 I remember, in the incident with our baby boy, my husband was particularly strong in cultivating only positive thoughts for him. He was a Light, dissolving the dark. Then, after all the tests and a week in the hospital for observation, they found… nothing! Magically, he came home to us, our healthy, happy love-adore little boy – becoming more of his magic every day.

The brilliant playwright, Tom Stoppard, wrote in “The Coast of Utopia”,

“Because children grow up, we think a child’s purpose is to grow up. But a child’s purpose is to be a child.”

Wise words. Let’s allow our children to become more of their everyday magic. Let’s nurture curiosity, surprise, imagination and creativity, along with respect, responsibility, resourcefulness.

Today’s World

In today’s world we know too much from tech devices and social media. It’s important to remember, as I wrote in a recent blog, that these outlets want to keep you hooked – addicted – so they post the no good, terrible, very bad stories and images.

Parents do have fear running through their veins, for themselves and their children. And it is this fear that  promotes way too much of the ‘bad stuff’: unrest, loss of confidence, anxiety and panic, depression, isolation, memory loss, weakened immune system, and heart damage.

Let a Child BE a Child                                                                                                   

Parents and teachers do not need to project or share these dark images and stories with their children – especially social theories, policies and politics.

The Wall Street Journal’s article, “What Children Lose When Their Brains Develop Too Fast” (A. Gopnik) reminds parents and policy makers to stop pushing our young children.

 “A longer, slower childhood with space to play and explore can help children flourish as adults.”

“Whereas Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) can have a big effect on adult life. Children with more ACEs are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression or addiction as adults, and they have a higher risk of cancer and heart disease.”

You Are the Magic Light

Children do not need to see or hear or know all the dark troubles of the world. Stop pushing distressing, fearful, grown-up concerns upon them.

Within ourselves and our children, we can cultivate the Light that dissolves the dark, ‘bad stuff’. Leave the children – and you – in their wonderment…becoming their real everyday Magic… you know… with their…