Patsie McCandless Light Lessons Blog: Creating Your Personal Power

Creating Your Personal Power

Creating Your Personal Power is a puzzle that you own, not a gift that another human being bestows upon you. It is all within you.

Sometimes you find life to be a struggle. Everything seems difficult.

Sometimes you find life easy-please-y. Everything seems to unfold perfectly.

It is the puzzle of life.

It is your puzzle.

Struggle is not a bad thing, as the contrast can lead you to where you truly want to be. But if you feel like life has see-sawed too far to the side of struggle, you need to know that is not where you have to stay.

Your puzzle always fits together because the pieces are created by you.

Are you creating pieces with which you have to struggle? Or are you creating pieces that are easy-please-y, and perfectly unfolding?

Your Puzzle Pieces

Beginning a jig-saw puzzle, you have your own way of choosing each piece. It is the same in your life. Old adages remind us that people have known this for ages, with lots of old expressions:

As you sow, you reap. – Chickens come home to roost. –  As you make your bed, so you lie in it – Actions have consequences. – The echo always answers the call.

There are many articles about how to find and keep your personal power (ex. PsychologyToday), but they often talk about what NOT to do: don’t complain, blame, don’t do guilt trips, and don’t use victim language. But it boils down to – What are you doing now?

Simply put, how you See – Listen – Act – Think – Speak is what you sow in your life. It becomes your harvest, your consequences, your echo. It is what you create in your life.

(See my blog Life is a Puzzle – Giving and Receiving.)


See – Listen – Act – Think – Speak:

five human functions, you use constantly, though often unconsciously. These five are powerful tools because they form the beliefs that direct your life. Take a look at each one and you will clearly understand what you ARE DOING right now.

See – look, watch, view, witness – can form recognition, understanding, discovery, prediction

Listen – hear, observe, pay attention – can form following-obeying or disregarding-ignoring

Act – behave, operate, perform – forms your initiative, your reactions, performance, progress

Think –consider, deliberate, contemplate, recall, imagine – can form judging or allowing

Speak –   converse, inform – can form opinions, feelings

As newborn infants, this is how we develop and learn. These functions serve us well throughout our lives – if we choose and practice and train our faculties to the positive.

The Negative

The trouble is life can bombard us with negative if we choose that path.

I knew a man whose wife had Alzheimer’s. He hated the disease and researched and studied it, wanting to find a way to do away with it. So, he read, listened, watched videos, talked about it endlessly. He was exhausted taking care of his wife, and he was terrified of getting it.  Shortly after his wife died, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and died from it himself.

Disease can be thought of as ‘dis-ease’, as Louise Hay discusses in the emotional causes of dis-ease. It is the combination of negative SLATS – seeing, listening, acting, thinking, speaking w-a-a-ay too much about the negative. The negative does not serve us. It may seem like it is alluring and easy-please-y, but it actually makes our life a struggle.

The Chain of Creating

There is a chain that links together our puzzle pieces. It can be a beautiful, shining, golden chain, or it can be a heavy, dark, rusting chain. It all depends on how you forge each link.

Your thoughts become your words > become your actions > your character > your destiny.

Ask Yourself

While forging these links, we don’t often stop and ask ourselves these powerful, positive questions:

Am I developing constructive, optimistic thoughts?

Am I resonating with buoyant, promising, enthusiastic emotions?

Does it feel good? Is it fun? Useful? Positive? Successful?


SLATS create your links. Your being. It all depends on what you:

See and watch – what you Listen to – how you Act – how and what you Think – how you


You are what you eat. And you are what you SLATS!

You don’t have to struggle.

But you have to choose the Easy-Please-y. With your…

Light On!