Patsie McCandless Light Lessons Blog: Your Powerful Intuition

The Intrinsic Power of Your Intuition

The Intrinsic Power of Your Intuition is a deep, internal, visceral feeling, clearly a most valuable way to choose your puzzle pieces.

Your Brain

In a recent Blog: Brain Puzzles: Imagine Your Success, I laid out our three puzzle pieces for our brains:

Automatic brain – physical response brain;

Human brain – thinking interpreter brain;

Intuitive brain – Divine brain (Plato’s Devine Design).

When you choose and practice to train your faculties to the positive it takes all three brains. But the ‘perfect positive’  – the ‘easy-please-y’ – resides in the Intuitive-Divine brain. It is your sixth-sense, your instinct, that funny, tingly feeling when you get a hunch – a gut feeling.

(I like “gut feeling” because the stomach is sometimes referred to as our second brain! It works in tandem with the brain, processing messages of hunger, nausea, anxiety, and unfamiliar feelings.)

Your Intuition

There are so many times when you get a flash – an intuition – of a perfectly positive picture in your brain. It lights up your consciousness! It feels good! Alluring.

BUT, you don’t let it unfold. You let it go. You pass it off as one of the “un” family: unreachable, unattainable,unmanageable. In other words, it feels unachievable.

So you don’t do anything. You don’t act on it.

True Destiny

Thus, you never know. You are stuck in “what is” – and you will never know “what can be”.

You don’t open the door to your Divine Intuition.

You’re not alone. There are countless human beings who have no idea of their true future, their destiny. You can call it what you like: fortune, fate, providence, kismet, luck.

Plato called it,

“The passion of the heart”:

one of the greatest energetic forces,

it is the key to unlock the magic within.

It is the secret of the divine union.”

Yet, people spend whole lifetimes not realizing their pure potential.


When you don’t believe your own Intuition – your Intuitive Divine picture – you are choosing to “struggle”. This is how struggle and striving become the pieces of your puzzle, because you are not aligned with the Divine part of you.

Struggle is your nose to the grindstone. You feel discontented, fatigued, anxious, irritated, frustrated.

This is your lot, because you are on your own, using only man-power instead of man, intuitively in union with Divine. That is to say, you are not in union with your Divine Intuition that exists right inside you… the Divine part of you.

Struggle or Ease


This is a story of a musician who was struggling, practicing night and day, hoping to become the Principal in her orchestra section. But so many other musicians told her not to get her hopes up: the odds are stacked against you…it’s impossible.

Her mentor said, “Well, you could ASK the Universe – God – Source for the right position in the right orchestra. If it is right for you, then you’ll get it; if it isn’t, another door will open, and you’ll get that. It’s a win-win. You’ll get your heart’s desire.”


She remembered the true story of Rachmaninoff, using a mantra, to successfully let go of a paralyzing depression, and write his most beloved 2nd Piano Concerto. She spoke her own mantra – and ended up as the substitute Principal, while the original Principal was on sabbatical. It gave her just the right opportunity to experience the real demands there. It turned out that there were stressful duties and responsibilities in addition to maintaining a high performance. Her dream didn’t seem quite so wonderful, and her struggle continued.

Divine Intuition and Heart’s Desire

Her mentor told her, “Listen to your ‘gut’. Maybe your Divine Intuition is trying to tell you something.”

She said that what happened next was extraordinary. Simultaneously, the Principal on sabbatical returned early, and she was free to return to her previous position. She appreciated feeling the ease. She was successful, fulfilled, and happy. Then, in her positive place of ease, she met the love of her dreams, and they are happily married!

(Cool beans!)

Your True Power

See – Listen – Act – Think – Speak > SLATS > This is your true power in union with your divine intuition.

Ask yourself – Why is it I am struggling? Whatever it is, ask yourself again:

Who or What am I listening to? What am I seeing? Reading? Watching?

What am I talking about? Is it meaningful? Does it serve me? Or is it just blah-blah blabber-gab?

What am I doing? Am I successful? Happy? Fulfilled? At ease? Am I listening to my intuition?


Stick with your true power. When you are clear about what it is you want:

Ask: speak to God-Source-Universe (whatever you want to call Divine).

Listen: to your ‘gut’ and follow your Intuition.

Act: on what your Intuition tells you.

Of course, it’s all easy-please-y with your…

Light On!