Light Lessons

How Do I Get My Abundance?

Accessing Abundance You want abundance? Get into the stream of abundant energy. How to do that? Some think it is in hard work, nose-to-the-grindstone, sweat and supreme effort. As I wrote in last week's blog, there are puzzle pieces to finding your abundance. Yet it is always available to you [...]

What Are the Puzzle Pieces of Abundance?

What Are the Puzzle Pieces of Abundance? Abundance has many puzzle pieces. As one of the core spokes within the Circle of Life, Abundance can be accessed through the keystone puzzle piece of your thoughts and words.  Circle of Life Within the Circle of Life you will recall the four [...]

Moving Forward with your Choices and Control

Moving Forward Moving forward with your choices and control is in the power of your Light, your energy stream, and your Intuitive – Divine – brain.  Now, you human being, you! Yes you! Now we are going to use the best of the best in all the world. In all [...]

You Choose Control

You Choose Control You choose control, not with tech devices, but in directing the amazing plasticity neurons in your brain, changing in the energy of Light. Last week we remembered that you do not need the buttons and screens of tech devices. This week let’s see what replaces them, when [...]

Change from the Inside-Out

Change from the Inside-Out Change from the inside-out helps you to re-invent and re-focus your life, out of powerless depression and fear, into hopeful choices and control. The most advanced human beings are diamonds. Filled with Light. Brilliant. Multi, multi, multi faceted. They glitter from within. The problem is, in [...]

The Intrinsic Power of Your Intuition

The Intrinsic Power of Your Intuition The Intrinsic Power of Your Intuition is a deep, internal, visceral feeling, clearly a most valuable way to choose your puzzle pieces. Your Brain In a recent Blog: Brain Puzzles: Imagine Your Success, I laid out our three puzzle pieces for our brains: Automatic [...]

Creating Your Personal Power

Creating Your Personal Power Creating Your Personal Power is a puzzle that you own, not a gift that another human being bestows upon you. It is all within you. Sometimes you find life to be a struggle. Everything seems difficult. Sometimes you find life easy-please-y. Everything seems to unfold perfectly. [...]

Your Power Against Negativity

Your Power Against Negativity Negative people and messages take the lion’s share of our attention, time and energy, but you have the power to dissolve all negativity. The world is upside down and people are tired of standing on their heads. Tired of the negativity, alienation and isolation fueled by mandates, [...]

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